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Mark McCormick, a currency specialist at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York, says that exchange rate pretty accurately captures the relative buying power of the euro compared to the dollar.
Hyundai Motor Company has been sued for misleading fuel economy claims in its advertising, Reuters reports.
Soto said her 14yearold son was one of those detained by Border Patrol.
Sixyearold Shin Shin gave birth just days after being declared pregnant.
Paterno's family also called Sandusky, who was convicted last month of sexually abusing 10 boys, some on campus, a master deceiver in a lengthy statement released after former FBI director Louis Freeh announced he would unveil the findings of his investigation into the scandal on Thursday.
Radiohead, for instance, doesn’t allow such posts and therefore has no “Music” option on their Timeline.
Low cancer rates are believed to be due to a highfiber plantbased diet of rice, soy, cruciferous and sea vegetables, fruit, omega3rich fatty fish, and only a tiny bit of dairy and meat.
NEW DELHI –  While much of the world was celebrating the international cooperation that led to last week's breakthrough in identifying the existence of the Higgs boson particle, many in India were smarting over what they saw as a slight against one of their greatest scientists.
Many students in American classrooms don't feel challenged enough.
The president of Florida A&M University submitted his resignation Wednesday, the same day the university was sued by parents of a drum major who died during a hazing.
They had two requirements for their new home: A drug store and a Catholic church.
On January 13, the Costa Concordia was sailing a few hundred meters off the rocky Tuscan coastline of the island of Giglio.
While Ma was appointed by the Vatican, the Holy See has long been at odds with Beijing over the ordination of illicit bishops by the CPA, which it does not recognize.
However, Turnell said Myint was also considered someone who gets along, that is, someone who can navigate a path between military loyalists and people within the government more receptive to change.
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