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The past two weeks have changed all that, in a big way, as the fiscal struggles faced by so many American cities became too much for some to bear.
It's in nobody's interest for airlines to charge customers for services (like in flight meals or entertainment) that they don't use.
Simply giving women the means to space the births of their children three years apart would decrease deaths of children 4 and younger by 25br>Michele Ferrari, a consultant; Dr.
Upon hearing the verdict, Marin appeared to discreetly pop something into his mouth.
Unions representing the city's workers also are asking Lackawanna County Judge Michael Barrasse to hold Mayor Chris Doherty in contempt of court.
We learned that 6,000 tons of water entered the Concordia in just 20 minutes.
That, as our colleague Joe Palca reports, makes astronauts reach for the hot sauce.
John Mann MP, a lawmaker and member of the committee that interrogated Diamond last week, said: You only give up your job and your pay if you've got no cards to play.
Then they started keeping close tabs on the women, scouring Swedish national registries for those who were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis between 2003 and 2009.
Dozens of men and women took to the streets of Kabul on Wednesday to protest the recent public slaying of an Afghan woman accused of adultery whose brutal, executionstyle killing was captured on video.
If approved, it would allow the government to set up an agency which would maintain a list of banned sites.
Annan said he believes Iran can play a key role in helping end the violence in Syria.
And that's really great and all, but the wrong woman is going to end up with him for the wrong reasons.
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