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People think because it's socially acceptable, it's safe.
A throwaway remark at a comedy gig resulted in the receipt of a solicitor's letter from an irate audience member.
BBC Weather forecaster Louise Lear said: The heaviest of the rain so far today has been in Shawbury, Shropshire, and Keele, Staffordshire, with 18.
Since 1952, a combination of electoral systems and political polarization produced a comfortable single party majority every time an election was held in Greece.
Paulina Gretzky is the latest individual to jump aboard the production of Adam Sandler’s “Grown Ups 2″, which could provide the beleaguered actor/comedian with the financial success he needs to stay relevant.
Tokyo's Ueno Zoo said the male panda, who had not been named yet, died of pneumonia Wednesday morning.
But they found that moderate drinking reduced the risk for current smokers to 33 percent, though the benefits of the alcohol were not as marked for smokers as for neversmokers, for whom moderate drinking reduced RA risk by 62 percent.
The FBI, reports the Herald, is allegedly trying to use evidence collected during the raid to make its extradition case.
The talks have already raised concerns in the U.
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